Wednesday, December 24, 2008

X'mas eeeeve

Today's gonna be this bloggie's first Christmas eve post! Wohoo~~~~
*Ignore the sentence above if you want.

I'm pretty sure everyone will have this so-call-X'mas-mood this few days, as Christmas is one of the most special days or event in the world....Christmas carols, presents, greetings, family reunions for those who celebrate.

Although I'm not a Christian, I do had this special feeling of X'mas..near the end of the holidays which school's coming, friends are back and life's gonna be going back to normal again.

This year's Christmas I wish for...
  1. 8A's, if possible.A good result would be enough.
  2. A personal desktop ( I really want that badly... )
  3. A personal desktop *????*

Dear Santa from North Pole, I hope I get what I wished for...

Lastly, MERRY X'MAS TO ALL !!!

It's Christmas, Eve. - Adam


Anonymous said...

Wait i rich, then i buy u a new laptop ! Wait ar...

Anonymous said...

I understand...

Anonymous said...

Dear Kenny,

I don't exist.


Kenny Tan said...

Haha! Hey Santa, nice to meet ya lolz~