Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tagged x2

What? Another tag in one day?

I know it's boring, but just let me post it as it's a different one. Tagged by my cousin Khai Xin whom I tagged. Okay, here's it.

5 things you love the most:

-My family
-My dekstop
-Manchester United
-My phone

5 things you hate the most: 

-People disconnecting during phone calls
-Myself, sometimes

5 things beside you:

-My phone
-My thumbdrive
-Mum's drawing
-100 Plus can
-Wires n' cables

5 babes you love the most:

Any ideas how am I gonna wrtie this?

5 things you need the most:

-My bed
-My phone 
-Freedom? I guess many do.
-Food & water

Tag 5 people:

-Jay Chou
-Bill Gates
-Harry Potter
-Edward Cullen
- Ignore those above. 

Sorry if I've wasted your precious time on this post!!


Anonymous said...

5 babes you love the most? hmm...
Just write her name 5 times ? :D

eDdY said...

ggogo lol XD